
How to Keep Your Christmas Traditions in a Pandemic

Usually, at this time of year, shopping centres would be full of frantic shoppers, people weighing up which size of turkey they need in the supermarkets and kids and parents queuing for hours in the middle of a town to visit Santa. But this year is like no other. If regular Christmas festivities go ahead, it will have to be with added restrictions and cautions.

In this article, we are going to visit some of the concerns you may have this Christmas about missing out on regular traditions and show you how you can still carry them out.

Zoom Christmas parties

没有与你的同事醉酒at an office party this year. Well, there can still be, but it will have to be digitally. Don’t worry; it can still be fun! Think back to how people were getting inventive with games in the first lockdown. If you have had your eye on a dress from months, buy it! Put some makeup on and buy some高跟鞋那give yourself all the usual Christmas glam and feel good! Act as if you will still be going out with colleagues even if you don’t leave the front door.

Put the decorations up early


Psychoanalyst Steve McKeownsays: “In a world full of stress and anxiety, people like to associate to things that make them happy, and Christmas decorations evoke those strong feelings of the childhood”.


Maybe you don’t look forward to putting up the Christmas lights. Maybe you love going to see the lights decorating your local high street instead. If your city is still putting up their lights (as most are), you can still go! Just make sure you are safe – go in your car and admire the lights as you are driving down. Go for a drive around the neighbourhood and see what lights your neighbours have put up.



Santa visits


有一个特殊的地址设置了Royal Mail为此,您将为您的孩子响应。


零售商在年底泵进入节日广告,以温暖你的心。据估计,今年的广告预算将被削减10%那but retailers will still spend a staggering £6.2 billion in the advertisement battle.

目前的粉丝收藏夹已经出现了aldi的名人凯文胡萝卜尽力而为壮志凌云印象,TK Maxx在设计师装备中为我们提供了山羊。与此同时,Argos有两个姐妹们为家人提供了魔术表演。


One stress for many people this year will be getting all the things they need to make the Christmas feast. Fighting over the last turkey should not be a problem, though, even with lockdown restrictions. Supermarkets, butchers and greengrocers will all stay open as essential shops. There is no need to rush, and there is no need to panic buy – there will be enough for everyone.
