
罗马is, quite simply, one of the most important cities in Western civilization. It was the capital of an empire that reached from England to Persia. There are so many landmarks that are still among history’s most awe-inspiring places that it’s impossible to visit them all in just one trip. When planning a luxurious trip, you want to ensure that you have the time to properly appreciate each place you visit, so it’s important to prioritize. If you want to experience a mix of history, culture, beauty, and spirituality, there are 4 landmarks that you simply must visit while on your trip.


罗马斗兽场是罗马最具标志性的地标之一,这是有充分理由的。它是罗马帝国最大的圆形剧场,最多可容纳80,000人。实际上,至今仍是最大的圆形剧场。它用于各种娱乐活动,包括角斗,动物狩猎和公共处决。这是一个真正令人振奋的景象,它可以让您品尝罗马帝国的宏伟。今天,它是罗马最受欢迎的旅游胜地之一罗马竞技场门票and tours being available to book online due to the ever-growing popular demand. And it’s easy to see why. The Colosseum is an incredible feat of engineering and a powerful reminder of the might of the Roman Empire.

2. Fontana di Trevi

Fontana di Trevi是世界上最美丽,最具标志性的喷泉之一。参观罗马时,这是必看的地标。喷泉高26米,宽近50米。它是最精致的例子之一巴洛克建筑到今天。这也是实现愿望的最受欢迎的喷泉之一,因为据说如果您将硬币扔进喷泉,您的愿望就会实现。该名称来自喷泉的位置,位于三街(Tre Vie)的交界处。喷泉上的雕像代表了各种各样的东西,例如健康,丰富,生育等。最突出的是海王星,是海洋之神。Trevi喷泉是一个真正令人惊叹的景象,也是您不想错过的。


西斯汀教堂是天主教中最重要的礼拜场所之一,也是罗马最著名的旅游胜地之一。它以令人难以置信的艺术品而闻名,这是最多的著名的文艺复兴时期艺术家, including Michelangelo, who painted the now-iconic ceiling. The Old Testament scenes on the ceiling are some of the most famous paintings in the world. While that’s certainly what made the church as famous as it is today, it’s worth noting the other artists that contributed as well, such as Botticelli, Ghirlandaio, and Perugino. It’s located within the Vatican City, so if you’re interested in seeing the Sistine Chapel, you may want to consider getting a Vatican City tour, which in itself is a fascinating experience. The chapel is a truly breathtaking sight and it’s easy to see why it’s one of the most popular tourist destinations in Rome. The Sistine Chapel is also home to the papal conclave, where the new pope is elected. Even if you’re not religious, the Sistine Chapel is definitely worth a visit for its historical and cultural significance.

4. Castel Sant’Angelo

Castel Sant’Angelo是一种防御工事,最初是为罗马皇帝Hadrian建造的。它位于台伯河的右岸,是罗马最具标志性的地标之一。这座城堡最初由哈德良皇帝委托为他和他的家人担任陵墓,是堡垒,教皇居住甚至监狱。该体系结构是风格的混合,包括古典,罗马式和哥特式。除了令人难以置信的建筑外,城堡还提供了罗马的壮丽景色。如今,这是一个受欢迎的旅游目的地,并设有博物馆,其中包括城堡悠久历史的艺术品和文物。这座城堡是一个美丽的景象,其悠久的历史使它成为罗马时必须看到的。
