


Many of us will still be fighting the lasting effects of maskne, so we’ve put together this post-maskne skincare routine to give you back your glowing, plump skin in no time.

Double-cleanse your skin

If you’re not double cleansing, you’re doing it wrong. TikTok introduced us to double cleansing during lockdown, and it’s essential to keeping your skin clear. It involves washing your face twice but with two different types of cleansers. Your first cleanse should be with a cleansing oil or balm – they’re designed to get your makeup, sunscreen, and any grime build-up off, leaving a blank canvas for your second cleanse.

第二个清洁可能是您通常的清洁剂 - 如果您的皮肤干燥,则是乳脂状的,或者是泡沫的肤色。在第一次清洁清除所有妆容之后,您的第二次清洁确实可以深入您的皮肤,以清理毛孔,并使婴儿柔软柔软。


Pop on another kind of face mask

面具授权可能在大多数地方结束了,但我们仍然建议您穿一件 - 洗衣服!面罩是对您的皮肤的深刻治疗方法,并带来了很多好处,这是由于面具引起的舒缓发红,到不断磨损带来的杂质。

粘土面具是浸泡油,汗水和碎屑持续不断戴面膜引起的赢家。某些类型的粘土,包括膨润土粘土和高岭土,是proven to absorb excess oil from your pores- 最终,多余的油是导致斑点形成的原因。




毫无疑问,戴口罩是最近在我们脸上占据太多空间的最大原因之一。但这并不是痤疮的唯一原因 - 因此,一劳永逸地消除瑕疵,是时候在护肤上添加抗痤疮的成分了。

Facial cleansers with salicylic acid can supercharge your cleansing routine, adding an acne-busting ingredient to it. You could also incorporate a serum or a toner with the ingredient a few times a week. Salicylic acid is one of the very few ingredientsproven to get into your pores- 一旦室内,它就可以解决所有麻烦。

视黄醇众所周知是抗衰老的强力,但您知道这在与痤疮的斗争中也很棒吗?这种惊人的成分通过增加细胞转换而以相同的方式实现。这意味着您的皮肤会产生更多的胶原蛋白,这对于丰满,年轻的皮肤至关重要。这也意味着用作去角质剂,以摆脱死皮细胞,污垢和油– which can all cause acne. Plus, starting retinol in your early twenties means you get a head start on fighting signs of ageing – win-win!

Finally, make sure that none of your products, whether that’s make-up, skincare, or even self-tan, have ingredients that could clog your pores or cause acne. If you love your self-tan, switch to clear tanning water – the pigment in traditional tanners is a major source of acne. If you’re currently using a pigmented facial tanner and you want to give this a try, use a棕褐色橡皮擦创建空白(并发光!)画布。在化妆方面,请寻找无油的配方,并确保通过双重清洁正确地将其全部删除。
