Chic office desk setup

共同19日大流行两年后,许多工人继续在家工作。根据统计数据去年,有85%的工作成年人希望将来使用家庭和办公室的“混合”方法。如果您仍在家里工作 - 并打算在可预见的将来这样做 - 重要的是要拥有一个舒适,安静并确保最大生产率的工作空间。在本文中,我们查看设计适合这些需求的家庭办公室时应考虑的内容。


As stated above, a home office should be somewhere that encourages you to be the most productive and most motivated that you can be during your work day. That’s why a great place to begin when designing a home workspace is thinking about its purpose.


Choosing a space

Finding a suitable room for your home office where you will be most在家工作的生产力是设计家庭工作区的重要一步。如果您需要一个安静的地方,并有很多隐私,则车库转换或阁楼空间将很好地运行。同样,如果您要平衡经营一家企业与托儿服务,请考虑在厨房或客厅附近设计一个空间,以便在上班时请注意。还值得考虑您选择的房间的温度,因此您可以在工作日的时候确保自己既不会太热也不太冷。

Developing your home office

Once you’ve chosen where you’re going to put your office, the final step is developing it by adding适合您工作需求的办公家具。A few things to consider here are:




The desk you choose depends on how much space you have in your room. You’ll need enough space for your laptop or computer, while also saving yourself enough room to take notes or keep files.


Make sure you invest in a good office chair that’s supportive and comfortable – especially since it’s likely you’ll spend most of your day sitting on it. A swivel chair and other ergonomically designed seats are great for home workers.

IT equipment

If your desk is in the middle of the room, make sure you plan where to run your power cables – extension leads also offer an easy solution for working with multiple IT products at the same time.

设计一个舒适,安静并确保最高生产率的家庭办公室,如果您考虑上述内容,就不必很难 - 意味着您可以享受(并充分利用)灵活的工作。