
www.turkuaztic.com Page 57 LUX 2018 parents & Baby Awards儿童学习成功的一个重要组成部分与父母对其学习环境的参与直接相关。《孩子的学习历险》为家长创造了更多参与孩子教育的机会。为了确保每个家庭都有机会了解更多关于“儿童学习冒险”的知识,我们首先鼓励家长们安排一次参观我们最先进的校园的行程。儿童学习冒险将于2018年10月13日在所有44个地点举办开放日,这将使家庭在注册时熟悉中心的工作人员、项目和一切!开放之家为家庭提供了为孩子的教育做出正确决定所需的所有信息,同时,也为他们提供了一个学习STEAM(科学、技术、工程、艺术和数学)课程的机会。为了在中心和家庭之间建立牢固的关系,儿童学习冒险中心每个月还会举办家庭联系活动。这为家庭提供了与孩子互动和参与学习环境的机会,并与老师、朋友和其他家庭建立关系。一年一度的“艺术行”和“母亲节茶会”等活动为孩子和家庭提供了一个迷人的学习环境。首席执行官里克·索迪亚将家庭联系描述为“社区和儿童学习冒险之间的桥梁”。它使我们的关系从受我们影响的孩子扩展到他们的整个家庭。” In addition to the family connection events, Children's Learning Adventure hosts monthly open house events to give an inside look at their programs and staff. These open house events include activities and information for the entire family. Opportunities are available for parents to learn more about Children's Learning Adventure and for children to meet the teachers, as well as, experience various hands-on learning activities during the event. Every family has changing schedules; they can be challenging and change unexpectedly. At Children's Learning Adventure, they make their families a top priority and support the unexpected by providing drop-in childcare for enrolled families. They have created a flexible and stress-free environment to provide childcare solutions for every family! This drop-in childcare allows families to easily drop off their child whenever is most convenient for them. Ultimately, Children's Learning Adventure places a high priority on putting family first. By providing every family with an opportunity to be more involved in their child's education. This improves the child's education and family time at home.