
Page 20 www.turkuaztic.com Lux父母和婴儿奖2019年2019年世界各地的超过十多万百万百万,BabyBay®提供了一个真正独特的设计和解决,他们想要旁边的新父母出生的婴儿,享受长,休闲的夜晚。消除需要起床和咧嘴跋涉到孩子的卧室进行母乳喂养,安慰或拥抱,巧妙的娃娃允许宝宝旁边睡在父母旁边,感受他们的亲密和温暖。从BabyBay®MIDI到BabyBay®BosspringXXL,有一个普遍的共同睡眠设计,肯定会适应每个父母的需求。作为常规婴儿床操作,但用一个可折叠的侧面,共同睡眠者侧脚向上到床,以确保在放松的夜晚在一起期间父母和孩子之间的最大近距离。由于采用专利的紧固系统,可以轻松修复父母的床并再次拆下。这始终使其可以将其安装到妈妈的床上而不会差距 - 全部和结束 - 全部加床。娃娃的婴儿共同睡眠者与孩子一起生长,婴儿的高度和充足的空间。一旦宝宝从婴儿床中养出,共同睡眠者可以转变为无数的额外物品,无论是桌子,儿童长凳,娃娃的变化桌,游戏桌,旅行婴儿床,甚至是戏剧。这种适用的豪华共同睡眠者没有缺乏用途,使父母和孩子甚至更靠近在一起。 For many new parents, the desire to sleep and cuddle with a new born baby can be very strong, despite the dangers it presents. With the ingenious co-sleeper design from babybay and Tobi® Kindermöbel, parents need worry no more as their beloved bundle of joy can sleep right next to them whilst still being the limitedness of their own bed. Tobi Kindermöbel GmbH & Co. KG Best German Baby & Children’s Bed: Tobi® All in One The firm also offers the award-winning Tobi® All in One baby & children’s bed, for which a patent has been applied. This innovative solution is the perfect multifunctional companion from baby to child. The elaborately crafted, sturdy, four-way height-adjustable cot, which can be converted several times, offers with three wide slip rungs a relaxed and easy entry and exit and thus a lot of freedom for your child. Simple conversions allow it to be used as a baby cot, crib, youth bed or as a cosy cuddly sofa. An ideal solution for parents who wish to have their babies by their side throughout the night, babybay’s co-sleepers and the Tobi® both present the perfect way to establish an even stronger bond and give parents a well- deserved, restful nights sleep. Company: Tobi Kindermöbel GmbH & Co. KG Website: https://babybay.de

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