
In May 2022, the then Prince of Wales, in his role as Patron of The Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC), unveiled a nationwide network of 70 Ancient Woodlands and 70 Ancient Trees in celebration of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee.

应QGC的要求,摄影师和热情的保护主义者Adrian Houston以及摄影师Charles Sainsbury-Plaice和著名的画家Mary Anne Aytoun-Ellis在一年的时间里度过了最好的部分,以捕捉这些历史性标本。

从2022年12月10日至20日,这些艺术品,包括阿德里安(Adrian)的12世纪伊丽莎白女王伊丽莎白·伊塞尔·橡树(Queen Elizabeth I Sessile Oak)(如图),将在苏富比(Sotheby)的新邦德街(New Bond Street)举行的独特展览中展出。


明年将出版一本书,其中包括Adrian的照片和Charles Sainsbury [1] Plaice拍摄的书。



Commented Adrian, “Trees and woodlands are a defining and constant part of the landscape; the QGC is a unique way of illustrating how they connect us all on a universal level, as well as a timely reminder of the importance of planting for our future generations.”



著名的摄影师阿德里安·休斯顿(Adrian Houston)的作品以他的热情,大气的图像而闻名,在国家美术馆和皇家艺术学院等领先的机构中展出。

His exceptional eye for detail, as well as his meticulous, creative and relaxed approach, has earned Adrian a number of high-profile portrait commissions, among them the late Luciano Pavarotti, the Dalai Lama and Jim Carrey.

His ground-breaking images for the Mr & Mrs Smith series of travel guides helped put the company on the map and Adrian has produced a total of eight publications for this now globally recognised brand.

阿德里安的热情是保护。他的工作使他前往世界上一些最尚未探索和荒凉的地形,随后他的有力照片从广告活动到杂志的封面上都欣赏了一切。此外,他目睹了夏威夷大岛上基拉韦阿山爆发的令人惊叹的图像在探索频道的最高评级纪录片之一 - 发现人中被用来令人难忘的效果。
